
11/18/2009 Universally Experienced Coin Lawsuit Consulting

2009 Numismatic Literary Guild Award Winning Coin Expert Mike Fuljenz, universal experience with coins, coins scams, coin frauds, coin law and lawyers specializing in coin litigation, has uniquely qualified him to consult on coin lawsuits and other coin related disputes.

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11/17/2009 Coin Lawsuit Topics Are Universal

Surveying the internet for subjects of coin related lawsuits reveals a truly universal array of coin lawsuit topics.

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5/10/2007 Mike Fuljenz: A Three T man

Mike Fuljenz learned the value of the three Ts - time, talent and treasure- at an early age. He has lived by that Mantra and Lamar University, the Beaumont community and the Golden Triangle continue to reap the benefits of his generosity.